Do you want to have that smooth, unwrinkled look that all the celebrities seem to have these days? There’s good news—the same treatments that are available to A-list Hollywood stars and supermodels are also available to you! Here at SpaVITA we are able to do facial injections like Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin for those in Alpine, Highland, Cedar Hills and other nearby cities right here in our Alpine day spa.
Most of our clients who want to try facial injections come to us and request Botox, but there are other, very similar products that you can consider to help you get that smooth, younger-looking skin you’re looking for, such as Dysport and Xeomin.
So, what’s the difference between the three products? They all contain botulinum toxin A, which can relax the facial muscles that cause frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet. But although all three products are similar, they are not interchangeable. The dosing and method of injection is different in each of the products, so consulting with an experienced facial injection specialist is a must!
Botox is far and away the most popular of the three treatments. This is likely because it’s been around the longest in the U.S. (more than 20 years now) and because its manufacturer has engaged in some extensive marketing campaigns over the years. Botox is pretty much a household name at this point.
Just because something is popular doesn’t always mean it’s the best. Botox is a great product, but for certain applications, Dysport or Xeomin may be a better option. All three products diffuse slightly differently. Depending on where you have the product injected, you may want to use something that diffuses more or less. For example, if you’re looking to get rid of your crow’s feet, you’ll want to use a product that diffuses less, so you don’t end up with a droopy eye.
Xeomin has the advantage of being a “naked injectable,” meaning it doesn’t contain any additives. This is important because there is less of a likelihood that your body will develop antibodies and become resistant to it. If you’ve been using Botox or Dysport for a while and find that they are no longer effective at freezing the muscles that are causing your wrinkles, switching to Xeomin may be the solution. The downside of Xeomin is that it can be the slowest of the three to take effect. It can be up to four days before you see results, whereas you can see results from Dysport within about 24 hours and from Botox in around 72 hours. The results from all three tend to last for about the same amount of time (typically 3-6 months).
If you’ve heard of someone who had a bad experience with either Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin, you shouldn’t let that deter you from trying them out. It is much more likely that it was a case of improper injection, rather than a bad product. The products themselves are extremely safe and well tested. You want to make sure you go to someone who is highly experienced with the product they are administering. Here at SpaVITA, the Family Nurse Practitioner we use for facial injections has more than 20 years of experience and is a true master!
If you have questions about facial injections, or if you’re in Alpine, Highland, Cedar Hills, or any of the surrounding areas and would like to make an appointment at our Alpine day spa, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us through our website, or give us a call.